Life Development Evangelism
“Life Development” is but another term for “personal development”. One fundamental purpose of Allegiant Life is to offer Christian-based “Life Development” programs- programs that will help develop the financial, health, family, relationship and spiritual dynamics of people’s lives.
“Life Development Evangelism” is but a modern way to use Life Enhancement, both directly and indirectly to “evangelize” various ministry programs. There are two reasons for Allegiant Life to include “Life Development Evangelism” in its plans and goals. First, many Life Development programs (e.g., divorce recovery) can be considered vital ministries in themselves. Second, Life Development Evangelism can also be a form of “side-door” evangelism” (as in following up a series of divorce recovery programs with an invitation to a series of Bible Discovery programs). Alligiant Life is readying an extensive array of Life Development Evangelism programs to reach different target markets and to help fill different needs in the world today.
Life Development Programs, Products and Services
Pre-production magazine cover design conceptPre-production design concepts for DVD Life Development Training Programs
Allegiant Life plans to offer:
- Life Development Seminars
- Individual Life Development Coaching
- One-on-One Mentoring
- Fellowship and Social Programs
- Networking Events
- Support Groups
- Bible Discovery Programs
- “Achievers” Programs
- “Singles” Programs
- Books, Magazines, and Audio/Visual Products\Internet Information Services
- Ministry-Oriented Career Opportunities
- And much, much more . . .
Reaching the Disenfranchised
One of the greatest mission fields in the world today is right here is North America. It is the great mass of “disenfranchised” or unchurched Christians- people who, on the average have had at least ten years involvement in a Christian church, but who no longer attend and no longer find church “relevant” to their lives. Research shows that these millions of disenfranchised people prioritize their unmet needs in the following descending order of importance:
- Finance
- Health
- Family (parent-child) dynamics
- Relationships (couples and singles)
- Spiritual
Christ ministered to people’s temporal needs as well as their spiritual. In like manner, so are the plans for Allegiant Life’s “Life Development Evangelism” – to reach people “where they are” (but not to leave them there). Already this concept has been a proven success. For example, in he past when series of weekly seminars for Christian singles were offered, a parallel series of Bible Discovery programs were also offered on another day each week. On the average, one-third of those who came to the singles’ seminars (on relationships, overcoming divorce, etc.) also came to the Bible Discovery programs- an outstanding success in “side-door evangelism”! God willing, Allegiant Life’s plans for developing even more outreach programs- addressing needs in the financial, health, family, relationship and spiritual dynamics of life – will produce even more results in people drawn to Bible Discovery- and in turn to a full and vibrant relationship with Christ and God.
True Bible-Based Content
A unique feature of Allegiant Life’s Life Development Programs is that they are based on true Biblical principles of success and achievement. It is of special note that Allegiant Life programs are neither “New Age” nor “Prosperity Gospel” in philosophy.
In today’s world, virtually all of the popular “self help” and “professional development” programs are in whole or in part, based on “New Age” (occult-based) philosophies and practices. Sadly, even within Christendom, so many personal development programs are also rooted in New Age and occult thinking. While these other programs frequently claim to embrace and even teach Christian principles, they are actually diametrically opposed to true Christian/Biblical principles. New Age oriented programs are popular because they offer the enticing promises of “You can do in in your own power!“, “Inside you is all you need“! and “You can control your own destiny“! There is no question that there is much truth in many of these New Age or occult based programs- especially the ones marketed under the banner of being Christian – but they follow the devil’s classic method of deceiving believers through a mixture of truth and error. While such occult-based programs may not necessarily impact the salvation of their followers, at best these programs present a satanic deceptive mix of truth and error. If not a loss of salvation, the inevitable results can be heartache, disappointment and discouragement. The bottom line is that these New Age oriented programs make great promises, but simply are not valid. Allegiant Life proposes to counter the great wave of New Age oriented training programs with programs that are truly “Christian” truly “Bible-Based”.
While Allegiant Life does not put forth any form of “Get God and get rich” philosophy, it does teach that despite the inevitable challenges of life, with God’s help one can achieve real, true, lasting and satisfying success in life.
Not Simply a “Higher Power”
Allegiant Life programs are unabashedly bold in fully representing God as our heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as our Savior and our Lord. In our programs we do not simply refer to God as some vague and ambiguous “higher power” or “the god of your choice”. As a Christian ministry our purpose and ambassadorship can only be fulfilled and our integrity can only be maintained by proper, respectful and accurate reference to “God the Father, Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit”. We will not compromise our allegiance to God and Christ in order to be more “politically correct”.
Comprehensive and Synergistic
Two other reasons Allegiant Life’s Life Development Programs are unique and powerful are that they are “comprehensive” and “synergistic”. Being “comprehensive”, they include programs for all five areas of people’s felt needs (financial, health, family, relationship and spiritual). Being “synergistic” in their benefits, enhancement in one or more of the five areas will incite and facilitate enhancement in one or more of the other four areas.
Allegiant Life is an outreach ministry of Mark of God Communications Inc.
For more information, please visit
For more information on Allegiant Life programs, please contact Braden Caldwell at:
(phone) (416) 804-6213 or email:
Mailing address: 777 Butterworth Drive, Edmonton, Alberta T6R2P6
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